Saturday, June 9, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

Not my real kitchen but it might as well be!
As a mom, I am sure you have had the same experience as me - wash all the dinner dishes, wipe down the counters and go to bed. The kitchen is clean and my final task for the night is done. Then I wake up with a smile on my face, head downstairs to start breakfast for my little darlings (uhhh, this part is fiction!) and turn on the lights to find a mess - a kitchen full of dirty dishes (this part is non-fiction!)!! Huh?? I have never fully comprehended how this happens!

So, with the start of summer break happening this week, I decided to make a few small changes. One of them involved me going to my local Wal-Mart (yes, you know I am a Target faithful but there is a really nice, brand new Wal-Mart by my daughter's school so sometimes you have to bite the bullet, but then again, I usually come across a couple of not-necessary-but-really-want-to-have purchases there. Someone has got to keep the Walton family in their billions!). So I found some great, insulated tumblers with the acrylic straws.

I got out my hand-dandy-love-it-so-much Cricut machine and cut out some vinyl letters and voila -

Fashionable, fun, fantastic and frilly cups for the girls and I to use. I did ask my husband if he wanted one but he opted out!  The dealio is, the girls are to use these cups everyday, and only these cups. They are hand wash only so when they are done for the day, we just wash them and leave them in the dish drain for tomorrow's beverages.

Yes, you also know I LUURRVVEE my holidays and found these little gems in Ross, I think?? I went in looking for a basket my sister wanted (no basket) but left with these. We will pull these out July 1.

These were inexpensive to make, and I truly hope, will cut down on cups/glasses/beakers/chalices/goblets we use during them summer.

If you are not as talented as me Cricut, you can find them on-line with even fancier monograms at my favorite on-line store

They have more styles, fancier personalization and you can even add graphics with their tumblers.

So hopefully this will help me, and maybe you, cut down on some chores when those darn kids invade our homes and take away from my bon bon eating time!!

Progress is majorly happening on my minor home renovations but that is for another post!

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