I am SO excited to own a house again and literally love every second of it (well, maybe not the plunging of the toilets but the rest is pretty good). I think I fall in love with it a little more everyday. Now I must admit (as some of you have also pointed out, I'm talking to you Mayda!), that's it not much to look at right now but I can see the potential through the blue carpeting, the dark paneling, and the drop-down ceiling. I have to look deep but its there. We have done quite a bit of renovating, a lot of it on our own, so I'll take the next couple of posts to catch you up. There will be lots of befores, a few afters, and a few not for the next couple of years!!
Now the girls and I were excited to spend some time at the house so we decided to have a picnic on the floor the night we became owners.
Nothing wrong with Chick-fil-A on the ground, right?
We actually ended up meeting several of the new neighbors too. |
The girls wanted to play around on the elevator a bit.
It's kind of funny.
Everyone is impressed when I say it has an elevator
but I am quick to tell them it isn't that cool! |
Here the girls are "rising" through the floor in Olivia's room
We laugh that it is definitely a bit creepy! |
So the next morning I hit Home Depot and gathered some tools - crowbars, gloves, masks, goggles, and other miscellaneous tools that I already own but are packed in a box somewhere in a POD stashed somewhere where I have no idea.
Now the theme of this house is currently Tawanda. Those of you who are familiar with Fried Green Tomatoes know exactly what I am talking about. Those of you who don't, watch the movie and you'll know what I am referring to. It's freaking awesome!
One of my favorite, and most quoted, movies. |
My lovely, lovely, so relaxing master bedroom.
Can't you feel your troubles melting away???
Somewhere behind all that lovely paneling are 5 old windows
completely covered up by nasty paneling. |
Looking into the lovely dressing area.
Closet to the right, master bathroom to the left. |
My master closet . . . ok. |
My master bathroom -
aren't you dying to take a soak in here? |
Caitlin was an incredible tearer-downer of all things that must go!
We both learned it was super hard but
wonderfully cathartic and therapeutic! |
We yelled that a lot -
according to the girls, I yelled it too much! |
We found this little coloring under some plaster.
It's not anything wonderful but we liked it. |
Unfortunately in this room, there's not an after because it still basically looks like this! Oh vey!
More to come but that's for another post!
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