Ok, time to finish December and FINALLY face facts that it is January 8th!
My youngest made this at school. They had to do blueprints first, then figure out all the building supplies they would need. Next they had to add up all the costs and then construct it. I think the finished product just looks great! (No comment about the items laying behind the reindeer on the top - they fell out when I moved him for the photo!!) |
Next on our holiday plans was my annual cookie exchange. I did not take ONE picture of that night because I always have too much fun catching up with all my friends! I do however have photos of my containers for my cookies. I took Dollar Tree glass jars, sprayed them with frosted sealer, painted glue on the side and sprinkled the glue with Martha Stewart glitter (I have a slight addiction to that stuff!!). I then hot glued a snowflake ornament to the front and I think they look great! Truth be told, the containers were better than my cookies!! |
Our Christmas Eve tradition is the early service at church, then we look at lights on the way to visit one of our favorite families in the whole world (The Griffins), after a quick visit, we head home and the girls get to open one gift that is always cute holiday jammies, we eat dinner by the fire and watch the Christmas Story. I just love Christmas Eve! |
First gifts of the morning are always stockings. |
Being silly! |
We have always done colored lights on our family tree and when I mentioned to the girls I wanted to do white lights, they both protested! |
Our last big event of the year was that I had to go into the hospital for a hysterectomy. I know, big fun, right? I have really been uncomfortable for the past couple of months so it was something that needed to be done. I am still sore and on strict restrictions from the doctor but go Friday for my first follow-up and will hopefully be able to resume some sort of regularity! Now do you understand while Christmas is still up? |
So that basically catches you up with my family. We have a long list of things we want to have done around the house. We are planning a few small vacations this year as we are taking a VERY big one the summer of 2014 but I will fill you in on our goals for the year but that is for another post!
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